We are home--yeah no more hospital:-)! We came home yesterday around noon and it has been great! The first night at home was amazing--Matt got about 9 hours of sleep and I got about 61/2 hours this is more than we had slept in over 3 days:-) So today we actually feel like people not walking zombies:-)
Izzy and Savannah have bonded. For those of you that really know our dog--there was a concern that Izzy would be crazy hyper but she has proved to be a very mature big sister.
Today was a big day for Savannah. It was our families first walk together. Izzy could care less and nearly got hit by the stroller over a dozen times but it was nice to get out. Savannah also had her first trip to Target (Mommy's favorite store). She slept through the entire trip. Tonight, we are looking forward to Savannah's first bath at home. Tomorrow we go for a weight/get to know you check up with our pediatrician, so it will be another big day. Below is a link to some more pictures, and we will update tomorrow with bath pictures and maybe a few other pics mixed in:-)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New Picts
Here are more pictures from Savannah's first day!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Savannah Has Arrived!!
Savannah has arrived. We have had a crazy week. Wednesday we had a false alarm which was sad but as the nurse said we got some of the paperwork done and out of the way:-) Thursday I had a follow up appointment with my doctor and nothing had changed. On Friday, Matt worked from home and I really didn't think anything was going to happen ever (I thought I may be pregnant forever), but at 5:30 pm I starting having some not so pleasant contractions. I wanted to make sure that this was the real thing so I waited until 8:00pm to call the doctor. By that time it was clear that it was real. We arrived at the hospital around 9:15pm and I was 3cm dilated. At 11:00pm, I got the best gift on earth an epidural:-) Roger, the anesthesiologist, is now my new best friend:-). At 12:15am, I was 8cm and then around 1:30 am I was ready to go. We thought that this was going to be a fast delivery but as many of you know babies have other plans. I pushed for nearly 2 hours and had to have some assistance then she arrived at 3:23 am. She had a good set of lungs. She was very alert and beautiful--although we may be biased. Now we are all doing well. Matt and I are tired but I think that is to be expected. We will be bonding with Savannah/trying to get some rest and post when we can. So keep checking to see and read more about our beautiful Savannah...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Izzy's new playground :-)
So it was a big week for our first baby--Izzy:-) She finally has a big backyard that she can roam free and sniff, sniff, sniff to her heart's content. Needless to say the fence is all done!! Matt is excited that he never has to dig another hole, I'm excited that I can just open the door and not bend over (which is proving to be increasingly harder each day) to put Izzy on her leash every 2 hours, and Izzy is excited to be off a leash, run (which hasn't happened since April), and track the many animals that call our yard home.
This week was also the 37 week check-up at the doctor. Savannah is head down and very low yet some how her feet are still in my ribs :-) She is measuring perfect and I am in good health so all is well. Hopefully, next week we will have more news.
We hope everyone is enjoying the last weekend of summer--crazy that it is already gone. Have a wonderful week, stay safe, and we will let you know of any baby news.

This week was also the 37 week check-up at the doctor. Savannah is head down and very low yet some how her feet are still in my ribs :-) She is measuring perfect and I am in good health so all is well. Hopefully, next week we will have more news.
We hope everyone is enjoying the last weekend of summer--crazy that it is already gone. Have a wonderful week, stay safe, and we will let you know of any baby news.
Izzy wondering if she will ever be able to run free:-)
Finally, he has conquered the fence!
Her first sniffs of freedom:-)!!!
37 weeks :-)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Only a few more weeks...
The past two weeks have been pretty busy for us. Matt did his last big travel trip until Savannah is born to Seattle, San Diego, and Santa Barbara the week of Sept. 1st--we are both glad that he is home :-)
This past week I had my 36 week check-up. All is well with baby. She is measuring perfect and is VERY active. We are on track for our Oct. 1st due date which is exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. We are definately coming to the realization that our little girl is going to be here soon. The doctor said well we will see you every week until your "daughter" is here and we had that lightbulb moment of oh my gosh this is really going to happen & soon. So we are in that weird state of excitement and nervousness for the unknown.
We also went to a Twins game with some of Matt's co-workers. It was a great time. Matt got to explain the game of baseball to 3 French co-workers & his clueless wife. It is bad but I think they knew more about the game than I did:-) Below are some pics from the game--Twins won 7-1 over Kansas City which as Matt tells me makes them first in their league! We are happy that the Vikings weren't as successful this past weekend:-)!! Go Colts!!
This past week I had my 36 week check-up. All is well with baby. She is measuring perfect and is VERY active. We are on track for our Oct. 1st due date which is exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. We are definately coming to the realization that our little girl is going to be here soon. The doctor said well we will see you every week until your "daughter" is here and we had that lightbulb moment of oh my gosh this is really going to happen & soon. So we are in that weird state of excitement and nervousness for the unknown.
We also went to a Twins game with some of Matt's co-workers. It was a great time. Matt got to explain the game of baseball to 3 French co-workers & his clueless wife. It is bad but I think they knew more about the game than I did:-) Below are some pics from the game--Twins won 7-1 over Kansas City which as Matt tells me makes them first in their league! We are happy that the Vikings weren't as successful this past weekend:-)!! Go Colts!!
(Jean-Marie,Matt's boss, & his wife Lily)
That is about it for now. We are just checking off our last to-dos for the baby. We will keep you updated with any baby news. We hope everyone is doing well and we love the emails that we got from everyone:-) Have a great day!
Monday, September 1, 2008
State Fair Pics
Here are some pics from the MN State Fair that we went to last weekend:
Labor Day Weekend
I am at the 35 week mark (picture above is technically from my 34th week but close enough)!! Only a few more weeks and hopefully Savannah will be here on time :-) Matt and I have had a good Labor Day Weekend. We have had some of the best weather of the summer warm, sunny in the 90s but not really humid. It is great because I think this is the last nice, summer weekend for the season.
We have been (I say we but it is mostly Matt) putting up our new fence this weekend. Matt has all of the poles set, and then hopefully next weekend when he returns from CA we can stretch the mesh part of the fence. Izzy may finally have a place to run free and sniff, sniff, sniff to her heart's content :-) And we will have a the freedom of just letting her out the back door when it is -40 this winter.
I have set up a link where you can go look at some pictures of our house and also of our weekend--enjoy and have a great week!