Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, July 17, 2009


Thought everyone might like to see a little video of Savannah. Sorry its so short it is all that our digital camera will hold--guess we need to breakdown & get an actual video camera:-)

This was last week when she was enjoying her chicken & noodles. The last 30 hours have not been so delightful. I bought some "dairy free" cookies & was thrilled that I could actually have something that tasted semi-normal. Being the pessimist that I am--I thought it was too good to be true & checked the label for the 3rd time. Yep, I was right. In very fine print it stated contains traces of dairy. Well now Savannah & I are paying for that one tasty treat. Today she is doing better with eating & sleeping but her tummy is still rumbling:-(. Usually the first 48 hrs are the worst & then she starts to feel better so hopefully she is back to her normal self soon.

We got our computer fixed--yippy!! It is running much better so hopefully I can just find the time to post more. Maybe I need the Geek Squad to analyse and work on my brain so I work more efficiently:-)


Monday, July 13, 2009

Lots of New Pics!

So we know it has been awhile. There is something wrong with our computer that makes it slower than molasses during a MN winter and I lost our camera for about a week--eek. Thankfully I found the camera in the bottom of the diaper bag and hopefully our computer will be getting fixed by the geek squad this week.

Matt celebrated his 1st Father's Day:-). Unfortunately, he took the red eye back from San Diego, CA which meant he got in at 5 am and then had to fly out early the next morning. Needless to say Daddy was very tired so no big festivities except for 2 naps. Hey I think that is the best way to celebrate:-).

Savannah had her 9 month well baby appointment at the end of June. She did great no tears at all just lots of giggles and waves to the doctor and nurses:-). She weighed 16 lbs 10 oz and was 29" long. The doctor said she is a very healthy & smart young lady and knock on wood we won't go back until her 1 yr well baby.

We finally found a sitter that both Savannah & Mommy love!! So Matt & I got a real date night!! It was nice to slowly eat dinner. Savannah just had a few tears but too be expected she is going through the ever fun stranger anxiety and seperation anxiety stage. But all in all it was a good night.

We had our first trip to the zoo. Savannah didn't really care about the animals. She was way more interested in all the people. I guess we will just have to wait until she is older for her to get as excited as we do at the zoo:-) Swim lessons have been going great--she is like a little fish. She loves to try to drink the water, eat the toys, & dunk her face in the water. Mommy and Daddy love it because it wears her out--we love loooooong naps:-).

Izzy had her doggie training boot camp:-). Matt & I are making a commitment to having a well behaved dog. She has been pretty unruly lately & needed a hardcore intervention. BUT as Matt & I found out--we have all the learning to do. It is going pretty well, not perfect but getting better. The trainer comes back at the end of the month and we are going to work on walking on a leash. So, hopefully we can go on a walk and not have Izzy pull us for the first 1/2 mile.

Darby & Jodi came up for the 4th of July weekend. It was great to have 4 days with them & celebrate the holiday together. Matt & Darby had a great time with Matt's new air rifle. The squirrels & bunnies in our neighborhood now have another reason other than Izzy to fear our yard:-). They also got to meet our friends that are in a lot of Savannah's swim pictures (Archana, Harrin, & Shayon). Darby, Jodi, & I went downtown for the fireworks. It was fun to watch the fireworks from the bridge and so them the sites downtown. As with any long weekend--it went too fast and we were sad to see them go.

Matt and I just celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary! Crazy I know. We took a mini family vacation to Duluth, MN. It was great to get away for a long weekend & to see the sites in our state. Duluth is a great city--a little cold for my liking but very beautiful. We went on a 1 1/2 cruise of Lake Superior & learned a lot about the area. Like did you know the water temp. is 39* & that they were breaking ice on the lake until the last weekend in June!! And I bet you thought Lake Michigan was cold--haha. We also found out that Savannah loves straws--wait until you see the pictures:-).

Oh I almost forgot the best part of the last month--I got my braces on. I use "best" in the most sarcastic form of the word. So I have been adjusting to them & mentally preparing for the end of the month when I get my wisdom teeth out. What a fun summer?!

Okay well I think that is about it. Below is the link for our photos. Enjoy!

Matt, Jeri, & Savannah

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