Savannah wanted to share with you a few life lessons she has learned in her 6 months...
Today I am 6 months old that means only 6 more months until the big cake! Mommy and Daddy took me back to that place where you get poked. The doctor said I was a very healthy little girl. I weighed 14 pounds and 13 ounces. Here is the best part I am 26 1/2" long--that puts me in the 75 percentile for my height but looking at Mommy and Daddy well you have seen them. The doctor also said I was so healthy that I didn't have to go back for 3 months good thing I got that cold under control. Lesson #1--The doctor is the nice guy and the nurse is the one that is mean. All I get are funny band aids--I want the lolly pop--that is why I have been working so hard on these teeth. Yes, I said teeth. I have 2 on the bottom and the doctor said he could see the 2 on the top and it won't be long--maybe next visit I will get the lolly pop.
Mommy and Daddy can't believe how big I am and they keep saying "its seems like only yesterday you were born and a little baby." I have been working very hard on my big girl skills. I have learned how to sit up all by myself. It is a lot easier to see your toys and play. I am working really hard on crawling but just haven't figured it out yet. Some how I just go backwards--so complicated. Plus it is easier and much more fun to roll. Lesson #2--don't roll on a full tummy it doesn't always turn out well. I also have been eating all my fruits and veggies so I can get big & strong so I can finally catch that dog. Lesson #3--the doggie does NOT taste good--so don't try licking one stick to your fruits and veggies. Also don't try the carpet--yucky.
Mommy and I go to school every week. It is fun to see my friends and swap stories. Lesson #4--mommies & daddies think it is cute when you talk to each other but what they don't know is we are sharing information like did you know that you can fake cry. Yep--that was a valuable lesson. We have made a few really good friends from class. We get together every week at the mall or at a friend's house to play. Lesson #5--mommy thinks she has me fooled but I know that it is really her play date too, but I play along.
My favorite thing to do besides eatings is listening to my music with Mommy and Daddy on that little thing called an iPod--I don't know about that but it does put out some good tunes. Mommy and Daddy are really bad dancers and singers but hey it is cheap entertainment and they try. My favorite song is 5 Little Monkeys by Go Fish. My friend Zain told me about them. You should check them out--they will make you smile:-) We usually have a dance party every night when Daddy gets home.
Daddy and I have been working on playing catch. Daddy throws the block and I try hard to catch it but these crazy arms sometimes have a mind of their own. It has been nice that Daddy has been home for a few weeks and we have lots of time to play. Lesson #6--if I give Daddy a big smile I can get away with anything--hopefully this one lasts for awhile:-)
Well that's about all--my crib is calling. A growing girl needs her naps. They gives me energy to wear mommy and daddy out--I hate it when I have to get up in the middle of the night just to make sure they are okay:-)
Savannah has changed so much in the last six months, and we can't wait to see everything that she learns in the next six months. We are truly blessed to have such a healthy, active, & strong little girl. We have learned a lot of lessons from her patience, a new kind of love that no one can describe, and how the simplest thing in life like seeing your child smile in the morning is better than anything else. We will post after Easter with some pics of Savannah and her goodies from the big bunny and of course her cute Easter dress:-) Stay healthy and safe and hopefully we will all have Spring soon.
Matt, Jeri, Savannah, & Izzy
New pics and 2 videos (the videos will take a long time to load even though they are only like a min. long--everyone may not be able to load them) of Savannah are available if you follow this link:
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